To my six-year-old daughter

To my six-year-old daughter,

I’ve been looking at photos this evening – of the night you were born, the first time you tried solids, and the day you started school – and it’s suddenly occurred to me how much you’ve grown. The first few years of your life were tough, I’m not going to lie; I thought I was ready for motherhood, but the pressure of being responsible for a tiny, helpless person, the constant worry (because I cared so much – perhaps too much), and the sleepless nights were far more challenging than I’d ever imagined. At times I reached breaking point – and for that I could spend the rest of my life feeling terribly guilty. You see, it’s only now, as I look back, that I realise how precious those early days were and how quickly they pass. And here we are, six years on, and there’s a voice inside my head shouting ‘STOP THE CLOCKS!’.

If only I could – I mean, wouldn’t it be great to be able to freeze time? In six years, you’ve grown into the most perfect little girl (inside and out) and I marvel, every day, at how completely wonderful you are. When you call me ‘Mummy’ or come running towards me, I have to pinch myself because I can’t quite believe you’re mine – and when I look at you, I see myself as a little girl, and re-live parts of my own childhood.

You’re getting pretty heavy now and I know that, very soon, I won’t be able to pick you up and carry you around. The other day, I carried you into town and someone commented on how you were far too big to be carried – but you were holding me tight and kissing my cheek, and it was the most amazing feeling in the world. I don’t want to move on from that – just as I didn’t want to move on from breastfeeding you, because I knew it was the end of a closeness we’d never have again.

Soon you’re going to 7, 8, then 9. I find myself wondering at what point you’ll stop being so dependent on me. I love lifting you out of a warm, soapy bath and hearing you giggle as I blow raspberries on your tummy – and at the end of the day, nothing beats tucking you up in bed and hearing your little voice, as I leave the room, saying ‘Mummy, I love you’.

The truth is, I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you – and although you’ll, of course, continue to gain independence and grow, you’ll always be my little girl. And I’ll always be your…

Mummy xxx

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A light-hearted look at life with a little girl!

You know you have a little girl when…

1) Someone else in the house has more shoes than you.

2) Your favourite lipstick grows legs, jumps out of your makeup bag, and lands on the floor (lid off).

3) My Little Pony becomes a powerful bargaining tool.

4) There are generally more teddies than humans at the dinner table.

5) You find yourself doing French plaits for the first time in years.

6) Your weekends are dominated by princess parties and ballet lessons.

7) The ‘suggestions for you’ on your Netflix account all assume you’re female (correct) and about 6 years old – doh!

8) You’ve seen enough pink to last you a lifetime, but you can’t quite bring yourself to buy yellow or red.

9) You’ve returned home from shopping trips with plastic jewellery and temporary tattoos on more occasions than you care to remember.

10) You can’t imagine life without any of the above, and count your blessings every day.

All images & content © Every Little Cloud. Click here to view full copyright notice & terms of use.